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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I had a friend thank me for working so he could get help paying for his medical insurance from the government.  He even told me he was a democrat now.  I guess if you cant beat them join them. 

The TV coverage over the missing plane was way over blown.

I haven't felt good in over two to three weeks. I think I need too mow my yard. That may make me feel better.

I went out and took a look at lake Bridgeport at wise county park. It was the lowest water level I have seen in my 57 years.

Ate with Santa Claus the other night , he was passing thru going back to the north pole.

The GOP is killing me ,but then so are the Democrats...............

I have gained weight and my blood sugar isn't under control.  I wander why I don't feel good.

I need to do my taxes , I just heard they extended the deadline for signing up for health care.  They need to extend the due date for income tax so we can catch all the people without insurance and fine them 1% .........

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