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Monday, December 26, 2011

Talk about getting into the spirit of Christmas

Gunman in Santa suit killed six, self in Texas. This is a sad and awful story
Only one question why?


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just 2 questions…

Question 1

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Question 2

It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates.

Candidate A:
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists, had two mistresses, chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B:

He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of brandy every evening.

Candidate C:

He is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, and drinks an occasional beer.

Which of these candidates would be our choice?

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question, if you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.

Leave judgement to God…He’s better at it!

Friday, December 23, 2011

NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010

Join us at the official NORAD Tracks Santa website,, on December 24th to track this year's journey.

27 Foods That Can trigger Migraines

I know people who suffer from headaches this may help.


Trump opens way to independent White House run

Well this makes my butt want to drink buttermilk ,if he runs as a 3rd party
America will know who to blame for 4 more years of Obama. Made me a tad bit weepy when I read this report Link

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Michele Bachmann's laugh

listen to her laugh it will cheer uyou up

We've only been gone couple days

Looks like its already started backup in Iraq. I guess they just waited till we had pulled out 14 bombs goes off and kills 60. Link
Ex PM of Iraq says US didnt finish the job.Link
Put this on the Obama White House. George Bush would had stayed the course.

Ron Paul followers better open their eyes. Newts the man 2012

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

borrow from Denny Crane Blog

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dropping like flies

Saddam, Osama, Kim Jong-il whoses next hummm maybe that crazy cat from Iran.
Just sayin

Thursday, December 15, 2011

watching GOP debate Newt clearly the winner , Ron Pauls is a nut

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Man I am not in the christmas spirit this year my wife put out a snow globe on the table and no tree .....We dont anyone coming to our house so why bother.

This wet weather is needed but I would love some nice weather to golf in.

I am still on board with Newt for Prez.

Next year I am gonna only buy gifts for grandkids, also buy only for grandkids b'day.

Obama announced the war is over in Iraq . I give it 6 months.

I bet within 5 years other countries like china will have drones flying over us thanks to Obama.

Times people of the years ? Occupy wallstreet folks no teabag folks