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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have been watching the debates and primaries ..... Only 1 day from buying the Florida vote Romney decided to tell everyone that he (Romney) wasn't concerned about the poor.  The poor have a safety net !
My mother isn't rich she makes very little and Romney doesn't care .  I hope Florida voters are happy!
I hope they don't forget who to vote for in the general election....I feel the primary was bought with money! The next primary is in Nevada and I hope they wakes up, but then they voted for Harry Reid enuff said ......

I feel everyone in the GOP establishment want Romney.......Why ? Control of the money! They are hitting Newt every chance they get , They must be afraid he will work with both sides to get America moving, and I believe he will not lower his standard.......

who do u like ?   I may have to consider none of the above ....

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