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Thursday, November 18, 2010

well Its day 2 of diabetic boot camp and I am kickin Diabetes butt. I have logged 4 miles walking the last two days and loss 10 lbs . I may not have to increase my dosage next week .

Walking hasn't been to bad I was supposed to start out slowly but my good friend doesn't know slowly. I have ate 3 meals a day and haven't cheated.

My son call and said they would visit in Thanksgiving day for lunch I wonder what the weather going to be.

I golfed 9 holes before I ate ,followed by my walk. I was happy with my new 3 wood I bought to replace the one that broke after I throwed it one day. My good friend told me once I wasn't good enough to get mad at golf.

The democratic party is so crazy Rangle and Pelosis, Reed keeping them in power is gonna be a nail in the coffin for them. Just when I thought Texas didn't have any dumb people one district keeps that lady who gave money to family and friends wowizer.

I cant wait for the movie True Grit to come out next month

I need to go to the dentist to adjust my teeth another sore.

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