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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Its been awhile since i last posted and alot of water has passed under the bridge.  I have hurt myself golfing so I have sport injury lol.  My yard has quit growing and I haven't started watering and I haven't had to mow in 2 or 3 weeks. 

Last sat I hurt my leg , tried to get in on Sunday to see the doc ,but the doc called in sick . I went Monday they sent me to hospital for a scan and they decided I needed to pay 250.00 for this test.
The hospital said they would send to doc office. The doc office told me they would call me when they got it and we would decide what course of action we would do.  I called on Wednesday a nurse told me they hadn't received anything yet and she would followup and call me ( nothing) I call Friday and doc nurse said still hadn't received anything yet.....Why did I have a test done and should I ask for a refund?