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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The story changes by the minute, Osama Bin Laden was reported to have fought and used a woman to hid behind. But now he wasn't packing and heat and he didn't hid humm. They may been able to took him alive . There wasn't any guards just two runners and family members .
I am glad they capped his butt. It would had been more of a statement to hang him on the city street ,after they had a chance to water board his butt , who knows we may have learned info on people here in America that helped him.

America is still at war with terrorist

I never thought I would say this

Congrats Mr President Obama , I know people are saying it was Geo. Bush and the military that should be given the credit for the death of Bin Laden . But I know that if you hadn't given the green light nothing would have been done. Plus I like the fact you sent in troops into another country to get the job done.

Again good job !

I wander if this action will boost the presidents rating ? I think if he would stop aid to Pakistan that would help more. My personal opinion of the president isn't based on the war on terror but the direction he is leading the country .