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Monday, December 26, 2011

Talk about getting into the spirit of Christmas

Gunman in Santa suit killed six, self in Texas. This is a sad and awful story
Only one question why?


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just 2 questions…

Question 1

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Question 2

It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates.

Candidate A:
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists, had two mistresses, chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B:

He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of brandy every evening.

Candidate C:

He is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, and drinks an occasional beer.

Which of these candidates would be our choice?

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question, if you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.

Leave judgement to God…He’s better at it!

Friday, December 23, 2011

NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010

Join us at the official NORAD Tracks Santa website,, on December 24th to track this year's journey.

27 Foods That Can trigger Migraines

I know people who suffer from headaches this may help.


Trump opens way to independent White House run

Well this makes my butt want to drink buttermilk ,if he runs as a 3rd party
America will know who to blame for 4 more years of Obama. Made me a tad bit weepy when I read this report Link

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Michele Bachmann's laugh

listen to her laugh it will cheer uyou up

We've only been gone couple days

Looks like its already started backup in Iraq. I guess they just waited till we had pulled out 14 bombs goes off and kills 60. Link
Ex PM of Iraq says US didnt finish the job.Link
Put this on the Obama White House. George Bush would had stayed the course.

Ron Paul followers better open their eyes. Newts the man 2012

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

borrow from Denny Crane Blog

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dropping like flies

Saddam, Osama, Kim Jong-il whoses next hummm maybe that crazy cat from Iran.
Just sayin

Thursday, December 15, 2011

watching GOP debate Newt clearly the winner , Ron Pauls is a nut

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Man I am not in the christmas spirit this year my wife put out a snow globe on the table and no tree .....We dont anyone coming to our house so why bother.

This wet weather is needed but I would love some nice weather to golf in.

I am still on board with Newt for Prez.

Next year I am gonna only buy gifts for grandkids, also buy only for grandkids b'day.

Obama announced the war is over in Iraq . I give it 6 months.

I bet within 5 years other countries like china will have drones flying over us thanks to Obama.

Times people of the years ? Occupy wallstreet folks no teabag folks

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be Careful

Monday, November 14, 2011

Poll: Newt Gingrich takes the lead

Raleigh, N.C. – Newt Gingrich has taken the lead in PPP's national polling. He's at 28%
to 25% for Herman Cain and 18% for Mitt Romney. The rest of the Republican field is
increasingly looking like a bunch of also rans: Rick Perry is at 6%, Michele Bachmann
and Ron Paul at 5%, Jon Huntsman at 3%, and Gary Johnson and Rick Santorum each at
1%. Link

I was for Perry first then I thought maybe Cain but just listen to Newt wow he sounds Presidential

Monday, November 7, 2011

Another Earthquake shakes rattles and rolls , but don't blame the Oil companies Link

Dr. Conrad Murray is being rail roded.

My Yard hasn't received the memo to stop growing!

My fantasy football team sucks!

Christmas is 48 days away wow.

Still haven't loss weight my Diabetes isn't under control yet working on as I type.

Watched the debate in the woodlands this weekend Newt is so much more presidential than the rest of the GOP field.

Another lady accuses Cain of abuse humm he loss my vote! Too much smoke not to be a fire!

These protester are some of the dumbest people on earth.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Golf game isn't very good right now. I don't have a clue what is going on with my swing.
My diabetes is very good either I need to get serious about it.
The last couple weeks the weather has been wonderful.
Working wearing FRC hasnt been to bad lately.
I started trying to learn how to play the fiddle. Not Good
I have been watching the GOP debates and I think Newt has won all so far. He just cant get any
break...............Rick Perry is ok...........Ron Paul is a loose cannon......who do yall like?

Man dies after winning a dumpling eatting contest

KIEV (Reuters) - A 77-year-old Ukrainian man won a jar full of sour cream for coming first in a dumpling eating contest Link

What do they put in their dumpling, and the 1st prize a Jar of Sour Cream $1.49 at IGA

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It has been a hot month looks like we will break the record for most 100* days

I have mowed my yard 3 times this year and 2 of them was the last two weekend.

Golfed Monday and I couldn't buy a par I shot 104, went today and shot 77 .

I had not been golfing in a couple months due to a infected wound on my back, Glad it is better now.

The start of High School football is nearly here which means cooler weather.

My 401k is down , my retirement future is now age 84 lol

I heard on TV that China triple A rating has been down graded watch the domino's

Earthquake in the Eastern part of the US and hurricane , also a earthquake in Colorado and Peru
A drought in Texas , murder in wise county , I think we are in a hand basket headed some where

Bought a e-reader and haven't bought or read anything.

Obama on vacation and a lot of Americans wish they could eat out.

Obama has a plan to put people to work. Only problem he put Canadians to work building the mega buses.....I wish he would hire me to advise him on what to do he needs better PR

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Talking about hot even the kids didn't chase this Ice Cream truck
John Daly my hero shot a 18 on a hole during last week John Deere Classic. This score was later revised down to 13 .....For a little while there I thought I could hang with John ...
Foreign hackers obtained some 24,000 sensitive U.S. military files in a previously unrevealed March cyber-attack on a defense contractor, the Pentagon's number two official William Lynn told journalists today. Link

Officials will not tell us what country is behind this just yet . I wander what China been up to?
This is some crazy hot weather we are having, Its been hard on me working thanks to OSHA.

I bought a 28" cut riding lawn mower because its small enough to get in the back yard.

Now that I can ride lol the grass is trying to die. I guess I better get out the watering hose.

Mistrial in the Roger Clemens case where he is accused of lying....Let him go Casey Anthony
lied and Florida let her go free.

My back had another infection so doc carved on me again ...Only bright spot is my golf game improved alot no pain in my swing. I am still a bogey golfer.

Show down in Washington over the debt ceiling ......Who will blink?

Saw on TV that some foreign country hacked into the pentagon records. Why is this not the lead story.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I cant wait till 2012 elections to get here , I don't know who I am voting for but I know who I am voting against. They should raise the voting age to 30 .......and nope I am not gonna say it yet....stay tuned.....

Do you know who you are voting for yet ? Tell me
Last year at this time I was playing some good golf. I broke 80 2x's got a hole in one on July 1, 2010, then BAM my game went south . This years I have amazed myself by how bad I can play.
Its been hot this year and I haven't played much, and our golf course greens have been worse than my score.......But last week I saw a course that seemed to be improving , the greens were actually getting green and filling in.....maybe my golf game will improve what do you think.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Just received sad news that a good friend and a great mom and wife to a great husband and dad has passed from this earth to heaven . I don't understand why but I do acknowledge God is in control and has accepted a new angel into the kingdom. I thank God I can say I knew them and was a friend.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thankful I took a Vacation day today went golfing this am @7:50am played 18 at Iron Horse.
Was watching weather at 9pm weatherman said it was 115* heat index today. Glad I didn't have to wear my FRC ....Thank God for Vacation.......Hey Thank God I have a Job. I hope everyone who wants to work finds a job this year amen.
I read today that Obama plays at least a round a week . I remember G W Bush played 8 times over 8 years with 2 wars , Obama has 4 wars, unemployment over 9%, why does he get a free ride?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Man O Man this Texas heat is a killer. For all the folks that have to work in it be careful and drink lots of water.

My yard is turning yellow and I don't care as long as I don't have to mow.

I sure hope my next electric bill isn't to high.

I am tired of hearing about congressman wieners.

Its been so hot lately I haven't golfed during the week only on Saturdays and only 18

Bridgeport Country Club has loss alot of members the last couple months .....

Jacksboro Country Clubs have the best greens around here.....

Glad I am not a teacher can't imagine not knowing if I had a job yet........

My battle with diabetes hasn't gone as good as I had hoped for............

FR C's protect me from fire maybe, but they don't protect against heat stroke...

I need to lose about 30 lbs maybe FR C's will help

Watching the Mav's parade on tv this am.......

I want to go to winstar...................

I need to go to the pharmacy to get some med's filled............

Happy Father days to all u dads out there enjoy ur kiddo's

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The story changes by the minute, Osama Bin Laden was reported to have fought and used a woman to hid behind. But now he wasn't packing and heat and he didn't hid humm. They may been able to took him alive . There wasn't any guards just two runners and family members .
I am glad they capped his butt. It would had been more of a statement to hang him on the city street ,after they had a chance to water board his butt , who knows we may have learned info on people here in America that helped him.

America is still at war with terrorist

I never thought I would say this

Congrats Mr President Obama , I know people are saying it was Geo. Bush and the military that should be given the credit for the death of Bin Laden . But I know that if you hadn't given the green light nothing would have been done. Plus I like the fact you sent in troops into another country to get the job done.

Again good job !

I wander if this action will boost the presidents rating ? I think if he would stop aid to Pakistan that would help more. My personal opinion of the president isn't based on the war on terror but the direction he is leading the country .

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hey if u visit my blog give me a shout.....if u have a blog post it
I have a funny feeling that the GOP is gonna screw the 2012 elections . They didn't get the message in the mid terms. I like Palin,Trump,Christie , The tea party is making more sense everyday, unless you are a left wing weenie.

I wouldn't want to be in college studying to be a teacher........who would have thought teachers jobs would be on the chopping block.......

I think my golf game is in trouble I have a hitch in my swing........

I wonder when I should sell my stock in my 401K , I feel that a crash is around the corner....

My yard needs mowing and its raining wow , I am glad I don,t live near the large fires in Texas

I did good all week on my blood sugar , but tonight I ate some cherry cobbler ....

More later .....
I heard on the news that the University of Texas bought 1 billon dollars worth of gold. I thought UT was a state university why is Texas letting teacher go and we have a state owned college buying gold?

Friday, March 11, 2011

I found out this week that the family can sometime be mean .......It's ok to gore my ox as long as ur ox is ok. There wont be any family reunion soon

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I noticed all day Saturday and Sunday this county owned vehicle purchased by the Tax payers has been camped out at the Bridgeport Country Club in Bridgeport. I have witnessed the vehicle running long hours, and I assume the county bought the gasoline. The fact is the officer was working part time for the country club opening and closing the club house for golfers . Who is running the county. This is not right, I don't mind the officer working part time but using county equipment is wrong . I hope the sheriff of wise county stops this practice

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Well to followup on my doctor visit it went good. I have loss 18 lb.s my blood psi was 110/78, my blood sugar has been great. He took me off some med's increased another to try to see if it better. The reason is because it was getting to low at times. I was happy with the results . I will continue to report on my struggles with diabetes , right now I am winning.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

well its been a good week I just had my first and last 54th b'day. Had fun all weekend and I have alittle to much but hey ur 54 only once so I guess thats ok back on track now. Got to eat in decatur,HEB and sherman wow and I am gonna go see my diabetic doc tommorrow more later

Friday, January 14, 2011

Them Chinese have a plan

China says stealth jet test flight not a threat
By Sui-Lee Wee and Ben Blanchard Sui-lee Wee And Ben Blanchard – Wed Jan 12, 2:42 pm ET
BEIJING (Reuters) – China told the United States on Wednesday its first test flight of a stealth fighter jet should not be seen as a threat and reiterated it had no intention of challenging U.S. military might in the Pacific Link

I think they are getting ready to ask us to pay up or else.....Nov 2012 can't get here quick enough

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gates gets tour of Chinese nuclear base

MUTIANYU, China – China invited U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates inside its nuclear warfare headquarters on Wednesday, giving him a rare glimpse into control of weapons that could one day be launched at the United States.
Both the U.S. and China have long-range missiles that could reach the other's shores. Both nations say they have no intention of using the weapons that way.
"There was a discussion of nuclear strategy and their overall approach to conflict," including China's policy of not using nuclear weapons pre-emptively, Gates told reporters afterward.Link

Why should we be worried

Monday, January 10, 2011

Woman Charged in Murder-for-Hire Plot

Woman Charged in Murder-for-Hire Plot

The big city has nothing on wise county

Ted Turner Claims He's at the 'Edge of Poverty'

That headline made me feel sorry for old Ted......Link

He said in a interview he has given so much money away that he fears he may not have enough money for his funeral.

I remember I didnt have enough money to buy milk for my children. And he says he still has a couple million left what a liberal jack wagon
Again I am shocked how some people can use a tragedy like in Arizona and spew crap like this was a political crime blamed on conservative groups. The Sheriff in Arizona needs to shut his pie hole and do his job and protect the people ,which I may add he didn't do. So it must be the fault of the sheriff dept in that county.
Come on people the only people who would do this kind of thing are truly a twisted person whom has a spoke missing in their wheel

Sunday, January 9, 2011

China backs policy of no pre-emptive nuke strikes

BEIJING – China Foreign Ministry on Thursday reaffirmed the country's commitment to not pre-emptively using nuclear weapons.
Ministry spokesman Hong Lei was responding to a report by Japan's Kyodo News agency saying China would consider launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike in extreme circumstances. Kyodo said the policy was laid out in secret Chinese documents it had obtained, but did not say when they were written or by whom.
"From the first day China possessed nuclear weapons, the Chinese government has solemnly pledged never to be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time or under any circumstances and has always strictly adhered to this pledge," Hong told reporters at a regularly scheduled news conference.Link

America better wake up !

Gates says China moving fast on new weapons

BEIJING – U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says China's rapidly developing defense capabilities are worrisome to the United States.
China has made strides in building a new stealth fighter jet and Washington is also concerned about a new ballistic missile that could theoretically explode a U.S. aircraft carrier nearly 2,000 miles out to sea. China has also apparently beaten U.S. estimates to develop that weapon.
Gates arrived Sunday in Beijing for talks about these weapons and other military issues with Chinese leaders. link

I wander what they are up too, just thinking out loud. I guess when they tell USA to pay up we better
The shooter in Arizona should be hanged, on the public square at noon Monday. Don't waste time people saw him and enuff said. I just read about it and sometime the comments by the readers amaze me. Folks this was a awful and wasn't cause or endorsed by the republican party or the Tea party . The creep that did this was a twisted person. People need to take a deep breath and use the brain god gave them to think before they show their hateful soul. This had nothing to do with either political party. Just one nut job that was acting on his own . I pray for the Congresswoman Gifford and the families of all killed in this act.

And for those idiots that thinks Sarah Palin is happy or responsible get a life

Sunday, January 2, 2011

more chinese news

Chinese Carrier Plans Revealed
December 23, 2010: An obscure, but unclassified, Chinese government report revealed China's carrier aviation plans. These call for a non-nuclear, 60,000 ton, carrier to be launched within four years, and enter service by the end of the decade. The plan calls for a larger, nuclear powered, carrier to be launched within ten years. link

I haven't seen this on CNN or NBC

Check out this great MSN video: Remains of Amelia Earhart found?

Check out this great MSN video: Remains of Amelia Earhart found?
Gas prices in Bridgeport are at 3.00 a gallon, but just 14 miles .20 cents cheaper. The Bridgeport Gas Cartel is worse than Opec they are greedy. They say they cant get it cheaper.

I am glad there wasn't any rain with this cold front .

I golfed the other day and the greens look bad to me.

Speaking of Golf my swing has took a hit with my weight loss, plus I cant stand cold weather now .

There must be snow in hell. TCU won the rose bowl way to go froggies. (when i was younger my friend told me it would be a cold day in hell when TCU won a big game, chill dude.

I am thankful I didn't decorate for Christmas because I don't have to take it down.

Breaking news Garrett to be name Head coach of Cowboys.....I am not sure this is a good thing.

Happy New Years

Well the new year is in front of us and I hope that everyone who reads this have a wonderful year. I haven't done very well with my exercise and diet program. I have managed to keep my blood sugar under control, I haven't walked since the first week of DEC 2010 due to bad weather and I have struggled with a cough and sinus trouble. I have tried to walk a couple times but with the cold winds resulted in a ear ache. Enough excuses 2011 is hear my B'day is just around the corner and I have a doctor appointment on the 17th of this month s0 I shall attempt to get serious today Jan 2 . I will report good or bad. I think I gained some weight I loss thru thanksgiving during Christmas but I ate good.